Why choose me in Kenton
I am a Chartered Psychologist expert in career assessment, analysis and counselling - a proven Career Catalyst. Many clients are at very low ebb when they come and are often prompted by some personal trauma. Others may just be perfectionists seeking to check they are on the right track.
This comprehensive, professional and personal service includes thorough psychometric assessment, in-depth face to face counselling, practical advice and a personally-written report (not just a computer-generated narrative). I see just one client per day to ensure full attention is given to each case.
My model is appropriate for all and identifies the real you and matches your motivation, values, aptitudes, personality and personal circumstances to career areas, and to level, role and organisational type ensuring maximum fulfillment and potential is realised. The two way discussion and logical, objective style with results presented both visually and verbally, ensures total client buy-in, direction and confidence to act.
I have nearly 25 years experience, consistently positive feedback and a constant stream of recommendations (click on the main website link above right to see client comments).
Competitive fees (under 25 yrs �545; over 25 yrs �645 -no additional VAT - I am charged out at much more as a freelancer, but have low overheads when working from home!) These include lunch, taxiing from the station, and a two year contact period (should a reference for a course or comments on a CV etc be required).
I am a recognised career change expert often quoted in media (BBC News 24 and Radio 4, The Times, Red Magazine etc), and one of the few career consultants recommended in the career bible 'What Color is Your Parachute' . I have recently written a careers guide for Trotman Education, entitled Working in Accountancy.
Contact us for more information Psychometric Assessment Kenton
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